AGWM Executive Review Panel

Reporting Platform

A dedicated platform for reporting and addressing potentially inappropriate conduct within AGWM, ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all.

Our Mission

Our mission is to ensure a safe, respectful, and ethical environment for all our missionaries, employees, and volunteers. If you have witnessed or experienced any form of potentially inappropriate conduct and have exhausted all other existing channels for addressing your concerns or believe that it would be impractical to use those channels, then we encourage you to report your concerns by using the tools provided here.

Take Action

Your submission of a report and participation in this process is crucial in helping us to maintain the integrity and health of our organization and of everyone who is part of the AGWM family. We are committed to thoroughly investigating all credible reports of potentially inappropriate conduct while preserving the dignity, honor, and safety of all persons involved. Thank you for being willing to walk with us in our journey toward improving the health of AGWM and its workers on a holistic basis for their mutual benefit and to reflect more faithfully the purpose of God for His Church and for His people.

Download the form to start your report

To begin the process of investigating potentially inappropriate conduct, please download the reporting form by clicking on the button below. Please be sure to review and follow the instructions that are part of the form and to provide as much detail as possible so that we can conduct a thorough and informed review of the facts that relate to your report.
The form is provided in Microsoft Word format. In addition to providing the information requested, please gather and organize any related materials or documents in your possession that support your report so that they will be available if we need to see them.

Submit your report

Once you've completed your form, please upload it to this website using the “Submit” button below. Alternatively you can submit your completed report by email to [email protected].

Frequently Asked Questions

Although it is impossible to create an exhaustive list of the kind of behavior that might be considered inappropriate conduct, in general, “inappropriate conduct” means:

Wrongdoing, misconduct, ethical lapses, or other inappropriate behavior of any nature whatsoever by any AGWM department, or individual employee, independent contractor, volunteer, agent, or representative towards any person who serves with or as a missionary of any category whatsoever with AGWM, and whether on the overseas field or elsewhere.

John Easter created the Executive Review Panel with the primary goal of providing everyone in the AGWM family an opportunity to improve the health of the organization and all its workers on a holistic basis for their mutual benefit and to reflect more faithfully the purpose of God for His Church and for His people by enlarging their corporate capacity to reach a broken and wounded world with the gospel. With this overarching driving principle, the Review Panel has a specific mandate to:

  • Provide a final review at the highest organizational level of credible claims of inappropriate conduct to ensure that they have been thoroughly and exhaustively examined in a manner that is designed to preserve the dignity, honor, and spiritual, emotional, and physical health and safety of all AGWM workers;
  • Prevent, detect, and address Inappropriate Conduct;
  • Identify areas of improvement for AGWM’s ministry and operations; and
  • Be a valuable tool in equipping AGWM and its workers to be faithful stewards of a healthy culture and ministry environment.

We are committed to the preservation of confidentiality insofar as possible and we will do everything in our power to keep all information and documents gathered in the course of our investigation confidential. Please understand, however, that notwithstanding this general commitment to confidentiality, during the course of and to conduct properly any investigation, we may be required to, among other things:

  1. Share certain confidential information with others, including without limitation:
    1. Witnesses;
    2. Potential witnesses;
    3. Others with relevant knowledge of the subject matter being investigated;
    4. Those in possession of relevant documents;
    5. AGWM personnel; or
    6. Other persons similarly situated to any of the foregoing; or
  2. Release confidential information pursuant to the direction of a court, government agency, or other similar body; or
  3. Release or share confidential information for some other reason beyond AGWM’s or the Review Panel’s control or for some other reason not currently contemplated.

We understand that sometimes you may not have all the information requested, that you may not remember all specific dates and times, or that a particular question is not applicable to your situation. If any of these is the case, then please just say so in response to the question and answer the question to the best of your ability. We would much rather that you give us whatever details you remember than that you not file any report.

We will not tolerate any retaliatory action against you or anyone else because you have filed the Report and you should immediately inform us of any actual or perceived retaliation you believe is being made against you. You should be confident that we will follow up on reports of any potential retaliation quickly.